
I have read a book for every prompt in the Back to the Classics Challenge! Hurray!

I finished The Master by T.H. White, which literally has for a subtitle “an adventure story”. Holy period accurate racism and sexism batman! I mean, I cringed here and there. A lot. I don’t think that particular book deserves a revival. Solid 2 star read, with aforementioned content note.

With my bookclub we read The Master and Margarita, which makes it the third time I read it. It remains a very very weird book, and I’ll be glad to discuss it in a more structured way. I read the recent Dutch translation.

So – stats time.

Top-3 filled prompts
A 20th century classic: 10/12 (for the sake of completion: I read a Shakespeare play and of course a nineteenth century novel)
A classic in translation: 7/12
A classic by a new-to-you author: 6/12

Top prompt filling books
First place: books that fill 4 prompts:
Season of Migration to the North
De Brief voor de Koning
Jamaica Inn

Second place: books that fill 3 prompts
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Arsène Lupin, Gentleman inbreker
Verloren Vrouw
Het Meesterwerk
The Red Pony

Side note: if I got a quarter for every book that has ‘master’ in the title, I’d have three quarters. Which isn’t a lot, but it is strange that it happened three times.

So. I have a tentative list of suggestions for the second half of the year laid out for me. I’m going to try and fill every prompt twice. Just to see if I can.

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